Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dating today has become even more of a challenge for single men. Women tend to be more selective and pickier. Further, the internet makes it a lot easier to cheat and, even worse, hide it. The dating world is a jungle!

Yet, men continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Here are seven easy dating tips for guys to help alleviate some of the frustration of dating.

Learn the Art of Qualifying. Most men focus too much on a woman's beauty when they first meet her and do not genuinely try to build chemistry. They tend to rely upon lame pick-up lines and over-used routines. Rather, anytime you approach a woman, be sure to indirectly communicate to her that you are the one qualifying her and that it is not the other way around.

The art of qualifying is an important technique to master as this will make you much more attractive to her. Remember, though, that you should not waste your time on women who do not meet you criteria regardless of how attractive they are.

Avoid One-Way Conversations. Another good dating tip is to avoid a one-way conversation with a woman. If you find that you are talking to a woman and you are carrying the bulk of the conversation, you need to move on. That men need to entertain women to build attraction is a myth.

A sign of a good, balanced women is one that desires an engaging conversation and does her part of contribute. If you are conversing with a woman but she is only giving one word answers, it is a good sign that you probably need to move on.

Ask with Confidence. How you ask for a woman's phone number is very important, and it is not all about "what" you say. When the time comes and you want to ask for her number, be sure to do so with confidence.

Avoid the request coming across as purely an inquiry on your part, but rather look her in the eye and ask with an attitude of expectation. She will have no choice but to respond by giving you her number and contact information. Use this approach anytime you as for something.

Forget about Rejection. Many men do not approach women because they are afraid of rejection and, when it happens, they take it personally. They think her lack of interest is a reflection on them, who they are and what they have to offer a woman. This is very much not the case, as it is rarely a personal matter.

Actually, dating coach Rod Cortez says that roughly only two out of every ten women a man meets are actually not at a point in their life to meet someone new. He explains that they may be busy with their own lives or their career or education. Or, they may be involved with someone else. He also asks the excellent question of why anyone would want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with them.

Learn the Art of Leading. Here's a little secret: Women really do expect the man to lead. If you find that you are always asking the woman what she wants to do, you will likely find yourself single again in the near future. An effective way to practice leading is to offer a woman two or three options before you make plans. If she tells you to pick one, quickly pick one without hesitating.

You should lead in general dating as well as in the bedroom. You must have a certain amount of sensory perception which takes practice.

Master the Art of Conversation. One thing I hear far too often is men telling me they do not know what to say. Fortunately, social skills are something that any man can learn and they are important skills to fine-tune. When I hear this, the most obvious thing it tells me is that he has not practiced enough. The fastest way to overcome this is to simply talk to everyone you come across.

Talk to the person next to you at the restaurant or bar. Talk to your classmate. Talk to your professor after class. Talk to the cashier, valet or waiter. You get my point. Basically, talk to everyone you meet including both men and women. This is one dating tip that has been proven time and time again as the best way to become more comfortable and confident in conversation skills.

Never Seek a Woman's Approval. As a single man trying to meet women, you should never outwardly seek a woman's approval. This should come naturally. Never try to impress a woman with your car, your job or expensive tastes. It also means you should never buy a stranger a drink. One woman said it best when she said she wants a "nice guy with an edge."

Want more information on dating women? On the following FREE site, Scott Patterson will help you discover a wide selection of top-notch dating tips for men!


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