Sunday, January 19, 2014

If you've ever wondered how to attract a women, you're in the right hands. I was once in your shoes, and I've figured it out.

guy how to attract women

The problem is, many men walk around their entire lives with false beliefs.

  • Some guys think they're too ugly.
  • Some guys think they're too fat.
  • Some guys think they're too short.
  • Some guys think they're just not good looking enough to attract a women.

I've got news for these guys: They're WRONG.

After years of research in the field of attraction and dating, I truly believe that any man, no matter their looks, can learn how to attract a women; any women they desire for that matter.

The truth is, you don't need to be good looking to learn how to attract a women. Look around and you'll see plenty of examples of the different types of men that date beautiful women.

There's a distinction here - these men LOOK GOOD, but they're not GOOD LOOKING.

how to attract women

What's the difference?

Being "good looking" is something you can't control. However, "looking good" is something you can. You have to realize that you have full control over how you present yourself to women. You can control your haircut, your clothes, your hygiene, how you smell, and the list goes on.

Any man can be attractive when he TAKES CARE of his appearance.

The second myth that a lot of men choose to believe is that women think the same way men do. I've got news for these guys too: when it comes to attraction, this couldn't be further from the truth.

For men, attraction goes like this: see a hot woman, get turned on, want sex.

But for women, it's different. Women care more about things like personality, confidence, sense of humor, and social status. Physical characteristics are much further down on a woman's list when it comes to attraction.

This means there are A LOT of things you can do to TRIGGER attraction in women without being good looking.

Learning how to attract a women is all about portraying and MAGNIFYING the OTHER characteristics she finds attractive in men, like confidence, social status and humor.

That's why you see so many average looking guys with BOMBSHELL girlfriends!

If you're able to make a woman experience fun, pleasure and excitement when you interact with her, there's a very good chance she will be attracted to you. And guess what, being good looking doesn't make a woman experience any of these things.

So let's recap:

  1. Women are different from men when it comes to attraction
  2. Men love women with great looks, and women love men who are confident, funny, of high perceived social status, and who can give them great emotions (feelings)
  3. Men can learn how to attract a women by "looking good" and becoming confident and fun to be around

Despite any previous conceptions you may have had about how to attract a women, I want you to know and believe that you don't have to look like Derek Zoolander to attract all the beautiful women you want into your life. In fact, it's much easier than that, but it does take a little bit of self-development on your part.

Derek Zoolander how to attract women

If you're starting to realize how important it is to learn how to attract a women. Click the button below and get this area of your life handled, and you'd like to uncover the so-called "secrets" of attracting the beautiful women of your dreams TODAY!

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