How to Attract Women Effortlessly

No Matter What You Look Like!

How to get a boyfriend in high school

There are many tips on how to get a boyfriend

Monday, March 17, 2014

There are dating rules for men every red-blooded male ought to live by. Not only will these dating rules for men ensure your lady friend has an enjoyable evening, but they will also save you the embarrassment of committing dating faux pas later on. So before you thrust yourself head-on into the exciting and unpredictable world of dating, read on.

Dress to kill. Okay, maybe not quite, but do dress to impress. Throw on something decent and suitable for the occasion. A tux on a first date seems hardly appropriate, while too rugged a look may be off-putting. Play it safe and go neutral. Smart casual is a good choice. Then work your way from there should the two of you decide to keep dating and are more comfortable with each other's personal tastes.

Be hygienic. Sort out your tangled hair and get a decent haircut if time allows it. Go to good quality shops for decent cologne and a grooming kit. It can be time-consuming; but men are always criticized if they smell bad, so try to get into a regular shower routine so you can smell wonderful afterwards. A woman appreciates that.

Strive to improve at work as well. A man with ambition is appealing to women. Try to get some direction in your life. Get yourself on track with career opportunities. Women will question you about prospects at your work so you cannot pretend it is not important.

Try to be more mature. Getting your brain well fed is a plus. Humor is appreciated, but a woman prefers maturity. Do not let your love for sports be more of a priority than your lady. Millions of women love sports, but ramming your love for it down her throat is not advisable. Many women are not interested about current gaming consoles, they may be more interested in traveling and how you think about the outside world.

Limit yourself if you drink too much booze. Being a drunken party-boy will never leave a positive impression with your date. If you happen to be a smoker, reduce the times you smoke; or better yet, quit smoking altogether.

Do not be aggressive on the first date. This is a horrible way to think. Being patient will lead you to the girl of your dreams. Learn to wait and try to find other ways where you can make a connection with your date. This is probably the most important dating rule for men.

A woman loves a man with brains. Having basic manners, chivalry and courtesy attracts women. They love to be treated with respect. Avoid bad language, laziness and rudeness. Know how to be a gentleman who knows how to act properly with manners. Holding a door open for her is simple, yet women know it takes effort on your part. Be sensitive. Showing her a lot of respect is a great step forward.

Listen more; talk less. If it seems like you are ignoring her, her ego might get hurt. Try to listen to her when she speaks, women appreciate it if they know you are paying attention. Here's a unique dating rule for men: learn how to dance. Many women love to dance, so even if you have no dancing talent, at least give your best effort. Think of dancing as a romantic and sexy activity. It does not matter if you dance badly - at least she is dancing with you rather than with someone else.

Learn these dating rules for men by heart and you'll win hers before the night is over.

Get 2 FREE sizzling reports on how to attract girls and make women laugh at
Online dating is considered to be a gift from god. It is like speaking to a gorgeous woman in your own house as opposed to getting all dressed up to meet at a club or bar without any previous knowledge of her. Here is a small list of reasons why online dating is considered highly beneficial.

1) Some guys just do not have the time to go out.

The average person today leads a pretty busy lifestyle. Just try to imagine how many times you would have to go out and mingle with other women before finding the right one. It is highly unlikely that you will find the right woman the first time you go out.

Over time, this strenuous process will cost you a whole lot of wasted time and effort. Online dating can actually fit into any schedule at any time. Typically, the research can be done without any hassle.

2) Online dating sites are free to join and research.

For the most part, a lot of good dating sites are free to join and research. The only time they will cost you money is when you decide to link with another match you have found on their service. This is a great feature because it means you will be aware of the interests of the woman you have found before deciding to contact her. This method is much less time consuming than having to date repeatedly before finding the right woman.

3) You are able to hide your real identity.

With any online dating service you can remain anonymous in order to protect your identity. When the time is right and you feel comfortable with the woman you contacted, you can reveal yourself. If you decide she is not right for you, you can easily end the conversation without worrying about being stalked.

Just imagine you contact a woman that works with you on your job and things go badly on the site. Your work life would be impacted and you would feel awkward about even going to work and having to face her. Each time you enter your office, you would feel as though her friends and others are constantly judging you.

4) There are many women who seek alternative relationships.

In today's dating world, there are many women who do not want to be involved in a typical relationship. For that reason, online dating is absolutely perfect. While using an anonymous profile, you can easily seek out women who are interested in whatever specified relationship type you want. This helps you to protect yourself against women who would take offense to that particular lifestyle or preference.

5) You are able to keep as private as possible.

Donald Mckenzie Jr has over 5 years of experience in the dating world. He is an excellent dating enthusiast and uses many techniques to engage beautiful women. For access to Donald's articles and tips, please visit his website.

Try to imagine what it is like trying to hold a good conversation with a beautiful woman in a club or large sized bar. The music is blaring, people are speaking loudly, and there are even people trying to get into your conversation. This is where online dating steps in. You can stay at home in a quiet setting and not have the fear of someone eavesdropping in on your conversation. You can even spend as much time as you want talking with her.

6) You are able to pick from a wide variety of dating websites.

Over the past few years, the online dating community has grown tremendously. There are dozens or perhaps even hundreds of websites with reviews of popular dating services. The beauty of being online is that you can freely browse through and test multiple dating sites in little time. Instead of having to drive around and visit different agencies, you are able to simulate that same action with the click of a mouse.

The internet has been a major help to men who prefer dating online rather than in person right away. Although online dating has many great benefits, you must remember to keep yourself as safe as possible at all times. Keep an eye on the information you divulge to others on the internet. This same information can comeback and haunt you in some other type of form.

Copyright 2007 Donald Mckenzie Jr
Dating is a minefield of potential mistakes just waiting for an unsuspecting guy to tread on, but there are some mistakes that seem to get repeated more than others. Here are some of the more 'popular' ones:

Assumptions-- assuming that the girl will go wherever you suggest, assuming that if you like something then your date will also love it, assuming that if you make a decision then it's decided whether she has an opinion on it or not, assuming that she won't mind if the date includes your buddies, assuming she'll love a particular movie because your ex adored it, assuming she won't mind you turning up at her home unannounced after you've had a night out with your mates, assuming that it's perfectly ok for you to go to the game every week without her even though it's her one day off work a week, and so on! Never assume anything, least of all your girl staying around if you continually assume she's happy with everything you do and say!

Comparison-- comparing a date with either one of your ex girl friends, or your mother! Ex girl friends should be a given and no you shouldn't even voice those comparisons aloud to anyone even your best bud because you never know if it'll get back to her and she's not going to be happy when it does! It could be that you think it's a complement to compare your date to your mother because you think your mom is super cool and a wonderful person. Your date on the other hand probably doesn't know this about your mom, and so to her you are saying she's old! Girls are pretty touchy on the subject of age so avoid this landmine!

Underestimating: girls are resourceful. VERY resourceful! They have an information network that the CIA would envy. You don't know what they know or how they know it, so if you're hiding something get it out in the open because you can be very sure that if it's out there, they're going to find it! They may not go looking for it, but because of their social networks, information will come into their hands 2nd hand, 3rd hand and beyond, but come it will, and so it's far better than it comes from you! If you're married, if you were ditched by your ex, if you've got children somewhere, if you've been "inside", once you get into a slightly steady relationship, you need to give her the information before someone else does. You may not get a good reaction, but it's going to be better than if she learns it from someone else. Not all girls are alike and so treat each one that you date as a new experience without any of the baggage from other relationships. Don't have expectations of this date because of what your last date did. Don't think that because your last date yelled at you for opening a door for her that this date doesn't appreciate your thoughtfulness. Above all, be sincere because probably the most common mistake that guys make when dating girls is in not playing things straight. Make sure that you're honest about who you are, and where you are in life. Your date may not like what she hears, but at least she knows where she stands.

Jane Saeman runs a site called along with info on dating and relationship on her blog at at

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Over the years, the dating has changed drastically.

It used to be the case that women should find a man that was successful, stable and most of all more mature. After many failed attempts women began looking around and wondering what the problem with all the failed relationships truly was. There does not seem to be a clear-cut answer, and nothing that researchers could say for 100% certain, but there is a common link, FUN!

Many women are sick and tired of falling into the traditional roles as caretakers, protectors and most of all, "the tidy up maid". Seriously, after years of this it gets terribly old, and some men, particularly "more mature" men just do not get this. In today's world if you are looking for dating tips for women, you are likely to find at least half of them that suggest a younger man.

Younger men have come from an entirely different world than the men twenty years ago. Mothers raising men today expect more from them, it is not only the "girl" child that is cleaning up the dinner table, washing the clothes and scrubbing the toilets. It is an equal home front now days, so these men have grown up with this mentality. It is not a huge issue when you expect them to help in the house or wipe down the cabinet.

Another positive of women dating a younger man is the sharing of financial responsibilities. Men today are certainly more apt to share the decision making, financial gain and most of all look to an older woman for guidance. This is a hugely positive asset for many women in the dating world today. They want to share in the decisions that are made, not be told what they are going to be doing. Younger men will listen and allow the woman to have a say. Something about the younger generation that they are more comfortable with sharing the relationship, rather than owning it.

Are there negatives, of course, just like anything else you do! Nothing is 100% either way, so that is where many of the old time dating tips for women, really try and make a stand against the younger man relationship. One of the leading factors that many skeptics point out is that a younger man would only want an older woman for two reasons, financial and/or a mother figure. This is certainly not always the case, and is ignorant to lump all young men that are attracted to older women into one category. Some women have found that there are men out there that do want one of the two mentioned and they are not always easy to spot at first. Here is what to look for:

1) Men without a job or unsteady employment history 2) Big spenders on a "low to medium" salary range 3) Smooth talker - wine and dine, then never follow through 4) Childish, immature or needy 5) You always pay for meals, movies or other outings 6) Not there for you emotionally 7) Never has time for problems or alone time with you

You can have a great time with a younger man, in fact most professionals recommend it, but be careful that you don't get a mama's boy or freeloader. If you can stay away from those two categories, you should be good to go!

One of the best dating tips is to have fun and do not worry about what others think. At this point in your life you must realize that you are the only one in the world that will aim to please yourself, if you do not take care of yourself, who will?

It is your life, take control and do what you wish, if you sit around waiting on others approval you will die alone. Remember you are in the drivers seat, so steer the car in the right direction and have a great time with your younger boyfriend sitting in the passenger seat.

Lee Blackspur is the owner of which provides online and offline dating tips, advice and articles for men, women and teens of all ages and experience.
Unless you plan on dating women for the rest of your life, dating and relationships go hand in hand. I've seen men who can approach any woman, build magnificent rapport, get her phone number, set up the first date, and then fail miserably at the relationship. In survey after survey, more than 90% of single men eventually want to have a long-term relationship with a mature, fun, and affectionate woman. There are many skills that you can develop when learning how to approach a woman and build up the attraction so she's really into you.

Guess what happens after a few months of dating? You both begin to notice more and more things about one another. You can have all the dating skills or game in the world, but if you fail to have a basic understanding on the dynamics of having a two-way relationship, then you're setting yourself up for failure. I've seen men who have dated hundreds of women over the course of their youth but cannot seem to maintain a healthy relationship. Remember, you cannot change another person, so the place to start is with yourself.

A very common mistake is acting needy. You can communicate neediness just by the way you stand, walk, talk or lack of talking. It's difficult to hide neediness. Some men are able to get a handle on it long enough to find a single woman. But then the neediness resurfaces in the relationship because they never dealt with the real, core issues that were causing that neediness. Neediness comes in many forms. Some of it is learned behavior such as buying a woman you just met a drink. It communicates neediness but this is something men learn to do from their peers, the media, and their general upbringing.

Another common dating mistakes is not understanding how women become attracted to men. Women become attracted to men quite differently than men become attracted to women. Men are extremely visual and while women are visual to a certain extent, they care more about how a man makes them feel. If you can learn how to evoke these emotional triggers than your physical appearance isn't that big a deal. Some of the most successful pick up artists in the world are average to below average-looking men. Since some men don't understand how attraction works they do things like try to impress them or even worse, they try and use logic on her that he's that "nice guy". Logic never works when trying to pick up on a woman.

Here's one that I see over and over again: spending way too much time with her. You do not want to crowd her and you should give her the space she needs. If she's the clingy type then you need to put your foot down. If you spend every day with someone you just started dating you're not giving yourself time to plan, develop, and grow your own life, which makes you a better partner. This carries into relationships where I see people spend every waking moment together. Not only is this not healthy, but you're not giving the other person the opportunity to miss you. Here's something else to think about. Men generally do not mature until they are in their late 20s or in their 30s. This is why I don't recommend any man getting married before the age of 30. Also any single man should date a variety of women so they can have a better understanding on what they really want. What I wanted at age 18 and age 25 were totally different. And now that I'm in my 30s it's evolved.

A major mistake men make is that they focus their energies on one woman at a time. Young, single attractive women generally date more than one person. In fact, when I date someone I assume they're flirting, meeting, and possibly dating other men. It doesn't bother me because we're only dating. What happens when you court only one woman is that if it doesn't work out with her or she flakes out on a date, two things happen to you: one, you begin to develop tunnel vision where you begin to think and feel that this woman is the only woman for you at that point in your life. Two, you're out of a date for that night or weekend! This is why I'll get multiple phone numbers over the course of a week where ever I go, not just bars and clubs. In fact, I prefer meeting women in normal places such as markets, book stores, walking on the street, and I even picked up on a woman at a gas station. How hard is it to say "Hi" or "What's up?" or "Nice car."

There is no magic number on how many women you should date to find out what you really want. The important thing is that you go out and there and do it. Another common dating mistake is not knowing when to let go. I had a friend recently tell me that his girlfriend of 5 months demanded that they move in together or they were over. He was bewildered. I told him that if he gave into her selfish and immature ultimatum that she would own him body and soul and that I would lose respect in him as a man. I told him the best thing for him to do was to break up with her, go out and start dating other girls, and move on. "But it's so hard to do, I don't want to piss her off or hurt her."

I told him it wouldn't be easy, but really, it was the best thing for him to do and that he should be more concerned about himself instead of the selfish woman he was with. He finally did it and just a month later he's the happiest he's ever been. Whether you are dating someone or in a relationship you have got to know when it's over. A sign of healthy self esteem is knowing what your boundaries are and not accepting unreasonable behavior from anyone. I see men allow women to get away with crazy things simply because the woman is gorgeous.

The most common dating mistake that men make is not doing anything at all. I have a friend of mine who plays hours of video games at night and on the weekends instead of meeting new people. Yet he complains that he does not have a girlfriend. This is also true in relationships, but in a different context. People get way too comfortable in their relationships. The thing is they need to work on it every single day. It could be something as simple as a kiss good night, saying "I love you" in the morning, or going away for a weekend to have some fun. By not doing anything the relationship will eventually die off. So take consistent action, no matter what phase you are in your life.

With more than 4,000 approaches and hundreds of dates to his credit, Rod Cortez has helped thosuands of men in over 44 countries have more dating success. His website at will quickly and effectively teach you why pick up lines and other such nonsense just doesn't work.
When it comes to dating, it's not just the women who worry about, will he like me, will we get on, what shall I wear etc etc. In actual fact, most man go through all the above fears just like women do. It would be nice if we could read just one book or article and know everything we need to know about women, relationships and dating. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

The best dating advice often seems to come from people who have been in the same situations as ourselves and have gained some comforting wisdom that we can relate to.

When dating, the thing we should always remember is that advice is simply what someone else thinks might assist you. The person giving this advice may not necessarily have any idea of your true state of mind of your particular circumstances, therefore it is always important to take note of what advice you have been given, others opinions are valuable, as it may help you to form your own opinion on what's right for you.

Below are some helpful hints and advice, some may suit you and others may not.

Remember these hints are not set in stone, you may want to adjust some to suit your own personal goals.

1. The worst thing you could do when going on a date is to turn up unshaven and looking dirty. You would be appalled if she turned up in the same state. It may be fickle but unfortunately it's true appearances count for a lot.

2. Whatever you do, don't turn up late, you will definitely give her the wrong impression. Not only will she think you've stood her up, she will also think you're unreliable.

3. Be a gentleman, open the door for her, pull out her chair in the restaurant. Women like to feel special, treat her like a lady and you'll do well.

4. Compliment her. A woman loves to be complimented, even if she doesn't show it. Don't go overboard though, but let her feel you are attracted to her.

5. Ask questions and genuinely listen to her answers. After all you are going on a date to get to know her. There is nothing more that a woman likes than when someone is interested in what they have to say.

6. Prepare yourself for the date. Think about what it is you would like to find out about her. Also think about what she might ask you. The last thing you want is for the conversation to dry up half way into the date.

7. It is advisable that you dont bring up adult matters or sex toys for example on at least the first 3 dates. In the long run this can only do you good and she will certainly be more interested in you if you hold back.

8. When it comes to paying the bill, offer to pay. If she insists on paying, then offer to go halves and split the bill.

9. What about the goodnight kiss? Some women prefer not to kiss after a first date, while others will be disappointed if you don't. Judge the situation for yourself, her body language will give you a good idea of what's right.

10. When leaving, only ask for her number or tell her you will call if you really mean it. In the long run this will be best for both of you. If you do like her and are interested, then don't be afraid to let her know.

Chris Simms is a popular writer. His main areas of interest are relationships, massage, aromatherapy, social matters, relate and human psychology. Bondara Shop
Dating today has become even more of a challenge for single men. Women tend to be more selective and pickier. Further, the internet makes it a lot easier to cheat and, even worse, hide it. The dating world is a jungle!

Yet, men continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Here are seven easy dating tips for guys to help alleviate some of the frustration of dating.

Learn the Art of Qualifying. Most men focus too much on a woman's beauty when they first meet her and do not genuinely try to build chemistry. They tend to rely upon lame pick-up lines and over-used routines. Rather, anytime you approach a woman, be sure to indirectly communicate to her that you are the one qualifying her and that it is not the other way around.

The art of qualifying is an important technique to master as this will make you much more attractive to her. Remember, though, that you should not waste your time on women who do not meet you criteria regardless of how attractive they are.

Avoid One-Way Conversations. Another good dating tip is to avoid a one-way conversation with a woman. If you find that you are talking to a woman and you are carrying the bulk of the conversation, you need to move on. That men need to entertain women to build attraction is a myth.

A sign of a good, balanced women is one that desires an engaging conversation and does her part of contribute. If you are conversing with a woman but she is only giving one word answers, it is a good sign that you probably need to move on.

Ask with Confidence. How you ask for a woman's phone number is very important, and it is not all about "what" you say. When the time comes and you want to ask for her number, be sure to do so with confidence.

Avoid the request coming across as purely an inquiry on your part, but rather look her in the eye and ask with an attitude of expectation. She will have no choice but to respond by giving you her number and contact information. Use this approach anytime you as for something.

Forget about Rejection. Many men do not approach women because they are afraid of rejection and, when it happens, they take it personally. They think her lack of interest is a reflection on them, who they are and what they have to offer a woman. This is very much not the case, as it is rarely a personal matter.

Actually, dating coach Rod Cortez says that roughly only two out of every ten women a man meets are actually not at a point in their life to meet someone new. He explains that they may be busy with their own lives or their career or education. Or, they may be involved with someone else. He also asks the excellent question of why anyone would want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with them.

Learn the Art of Leading. Here's a little secret: Women really do expect the man to lead. If you find that you are always asking the woman what she wants to do, you will likely find yourself single again in the near future. An effective way to practice leading is to offer a woman two or three options before you make plans. If she tells you to pick one, quickly pick one without hesitating.

You should lead in general dating as well as in the bedroom. You must have a certain amount of sensory perception which takes practice.

Master the Art of Conversation. One thing I hear far too often is men telling me they do not know what to say. Fortunately, social skills are something that any man can learn and they are important skills to fine-tune. When I hear this, the most obvious thing it tells me is that he has not practiced enough. The fastest way to overcome this is to simply talk to everyone you come across.

Talk to the person next to you at the restaurant or bar. Talk to your classmate. Talk to your professor after class. Talk to the cashier, valet or waiter. You get my point. Basically, talk to everyone you meet including both men and women. This is one dating tip that has been proven time and time again as the best way to become more comfortable and confident in conversation skills.

Never Seek a Woman's Approval. As a single man trying to meet women, you should never outwardly seek a woman's approval. This should come naturally. Never try to impress a woman with your car, your job or expensive tastes. It also means you should never buy a stranger a drink. One woman said it best when she said she wants a "nice guy with an edge."

Want more information on dating women? On the following FREE site, Scott Patterson will help you discover a wide selection of top-notch dating tips for men!