Sunday, January 19, 2014

The journey to healthy online dating, intimate, personal and social relationships start at the top of the rainbow. Experience the joy of childbirth is analogous to viewing a beautiful rainbow. Many women love being pregnant! You feel sexy and sensual, busty, beautiful. Moreover, each time the look on their bellies expansion should be aware of the second part of this extraordinary and wonderful event is about to begin.

Many loving and responsible parents verbalize the same statement, pending the birth of your newborn. "I want to give my child the things he had never" is a universal statement. The statement made by the echoes of parents around the world. During the euphoria of the newborn, we do not realize our traditional ways may have a negative impact on our newborn choice, as he / she develops.

Manipulated by tradition, we believe that there is no other way for a purpose other than the way of those who have preceded us. The fraud, manipulation and deception have led us to believe is appropriate behavior to expose our children to fairy tales. We also accept the belief that fairy tales are morality tales to strengthen the moral disposition of our children. This statement is far from the truth, as children worldwide are exposed to fairy tales to try fattening unravel the complexities of their lives caused by being trapped in the fairy tale syndrome.

Our fantasies begin to dominate our minds;
Our desires dominate reason;
We began to see life;
We want life to be.

Fairy tales and fictional characters illusions in our minds, constantly generating a false sense of reality. We start to believe what we imagine to be true, losing all perspective of reality. If we are unable to concentrate at the moment (reality), we can experience severe agony in the future. We are always focusing on imaginary future events as the present moment of his life and teaching to pass by us. We found our crumbling relationships and do not know why. We woke up in a state of dizziness, our relationships seem to leave the operation of a revolving door, everyone is jumping in and out and it seems that life is out of control.

Our fantasies begin to dominate our minds, our desires dominate reason, we begin to see life as the life we want to be. We begin to fantasize about intimate relationships that will have even taking to the extent of perceiving how we act within relationships. We create images in our mind, fantasizing about our knight in shining armor, or a Britney Spears look like, or simply the girl next door. We begin to fantasize about all kinds of things. It is similar to skydiving without a parachute. It is a huge mistake because every action has a reaction. Without knowing what the next moment will bring, puts us in a state of vulnerability.

When our fantasies do not become reality, intoxicants seems to be an alternative. Our relationships with others become bitter, we turn our best friends (even our imaginary beings). The fear increases, as our imaginary fears about future events that will never happen. Life for many becomes fragmented and unpleasant. We began to feel a sense of hopelessness, worthlessness, and pessimism. This reaction is the focus on our desires (fantasies) rather than reality.

"In America, 44.3 million people,
Over 18 years-about 1 in 5 adults
suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder "

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. It is estimated that 22.1 percent of Americans over 18 years-about 1 in 5 adults suffer-from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the estimated population of 1998 U.S. Census residential, this figure translates into 44.3 million people. In addition, 4 of the 10 leading causes of disability in the U.S. . and other developed countries are mental disorders-major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at some point. "It is no surprise.

As the rainbow seems to disappear, the beautiful picture is not clear. What is now apparent reality. The reality is tolerable when we accept it. The reality only becomes unbearable when we refuse to accept it. For those who are planning to experience that beautiful rainbow on the horizon, remember that the universal declaration "I want to give my child the things we never had."

We give our children the chance to experience healthy dating relationships and embrace reality, encouraging them to focus and live in the moment. Denied were many opportunities to learn the truth about the harmful effects of fairy tales, fiction, and desires. Countless relationships and marriages have ended as a nightmare because of a universal misunderstanding that is, children grow out of everything. Children do not grow out of anything (except clothing) and has just become something else. Fairy tales, fantasies, and fiction are vehicles that cause our children to experience gross disappointments in life and destroy any hope of a healthy dating relationship. We must ask ourselves: do we want to encourage the disappointments and objectionable features in our children? Let's build a healthy relationship together online. Stay tuned!

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